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C.100 Compliance - Audit

Audit & Audit Requests

Compliance Policy to be Audited

Credit Representatives of the ACL are expected to adhere to the compliance policy outlined in this document.

Audit Requests

Premium Broker ACRs may receive audit requests from ASIC, Lenders, Aggregators and the ACL Holder (ie Premium Broker). All audit requests must be notified to the Responsible Authority as soon as possible. In addition to formal audit requests, every deal will be subject to a Mini-Audit conducted by the Premium Broker Compliance Manager.

Once the Responsible Authority has been advised, the broker will cooperate with both the Responsible Authority and the Auditor in a responsive manner. ACL Holder

Australian Credit Licence: Premium Broker Pty Ltd

ABN: 40 105 746 692

Australian Credit Licence: 392625

Address: 549 Willoughby Rd, Willoughby NSW 2068

Responsible Authority Robert Ward Compliance Manager Jen Castro

Access to VowNet Your client's information is subject to Premium Broker's Privacy Policy and you should make sure that access to any confidential information is by legitimate means and limited as much as possible.

When requested, ACR Brokers will allow access to their clients personal information and documents via the Vownet CRM. Details including the time, manner and who will have access to this data will be made available to the broker via a Scope of Audit Document.

Scope of Audit The Scope of Audit is a standard audit document that should include: the purpose of the audit, the time frames, the specific documents and activities being audited.

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